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articles, exhibitions & publications since 2012

12/24 magazine - tempering temperatures - prelude to feature article in issue 86 of futurearc, singapore

12/24 online - stiftung: hands-on projekt 2025 started - article in issue 12/24 of deutsches architektenblatt, link

09/24 magazine - neue projekte zur nachwuchsförderung - article in issue 07/24 of deutsches architektenblatt, link

08/24 online - teamwork in thailand: nächste runde hands-on der stiftung - article in issue 08/24 of deutsches architektenblatt, link

07/24 magazine - neue projekte zur nachwuchsförderung - article in issue 07/24 of deutsches architektenblatt, link

05/24 magazine - hands-on in thailand: junge planer:innen kehren voller... - article in issue 05/24 of deutsches architektenblatt

03/24 magazine - hands-on: lehmbau in thailand - feature article in issue 03/24 of deutsches architektenblatt

02/24 online - indian arch 23'/ end of year issue - inteview by the national association of students of architecture in india, link

01/24 magazine - hands-on: lehmbauprojekt in thailand - article in issue 01-02/24 of deutsches architektenblatt


12/23 magazine - hands-on: lehmbauprojekt in thailand - article @ deutsche bauzeitung, db, link

08/23 online - design build macht schule - simple architecture in thailand - article @ baunetz online

07/23 online - junge planer:innen packen an - article by the stiftung deutscher architekten, link

04/23 online - araksa tea house - simple architecture - article on archdaily

07/22 magazine - araksa tea house - interview in ifj magazine, india,

09/21 magazine - baubiologie magazin - feature article, germany

08/21 magazine - 2A magazine - feature article in issue 46, istanbul, turkey

05/21 award - araksa tea house - longlisted dezeen award, link

03/21 magazine - international/ architektur als menschenrecht - feature article in deutsches architektenblatt, dab, germany, link

01/21 magazine - energy - feature article in issue 72 of futurearc, singapore

10/19 book - new design: school thailand - by li-zenn publishing, thailand, link

05/19 book - architecture en fibres - publication of fibre award 2019, france

05/19 award - fibre award, paris, france

07/18 online - eine klinik für mae sot - feature article in hoch3 magazine @ tu darmstadt, link

03/17 magazine - monocle: forecast - issue on rapid-response architecture, uk

03/17 book - wood - project featured @ phaidon, uk

08/16 book - ephemeral architecture - 100 projects, 1000 ideas - project featured @ promopress, spain

07/16 exhibition - treehouse award - headquarter of the food and agriculture organisation of the united nations, italy

07/16 magazine - community structures - feature article in issue no. 413, l'architecture d’aujourd’hui, france

02/16 magazine - green magazine - project feature in issue no. 39, taiwan

04/16 award - energy globe award/ best national project - commercial section of the austrian embassy bangkok, thailand

02/16 book - archifutures - handbooks for building tomorrow - published by artifice books, uk

02/16 magazine - temporary structures - project feature in lotus magazine, italy

02/16 online - architektur durch crowdfunding - feature @ baunetzwoche #440, germany, link

12/15 magazine - arredamento mimarlık - feature project in a journal for design, art, architecture, turkey

10/15 book - 50 under 50: innovators of the 21st century - by the images publishing group, australia, link

07/15 magazine - feature project in B1 magazine - issue 94, Thailand

07/15 book - bamboo construction & design - published by links books, spain, link

05/15 award - 5th azure award/ order of merit, toronto, canada

03/15 online - bambusová ubytovňa za 1700€ poskytne bezpečie aj pohodlie - article @ nehnutelnosti magazine, slovakia, link

03/15 book - future architecture in 100 buildings - published by simon & schuster/ ted original, us, link

02/15 award - 2aaa asian architecture award, istanbul, turkey

01/15 award - architecture sans frontiers, kathmandu, nepal

12/14 magazine - various projects features in issue 174 of di - architecture & design magazine, china

12/14 online - skola v kwel ka baung - estav architecture magazone, czech, link

12/12 award - world architecture community award/ cycle 20 winner

11/14 award - detail reader award - award ceremony @ museum of communication, berlin with albert company & lucia rocchelli, link

08/14 book - bamboo architecture & design - by braun publishing house, switzerland, link

06/14 magazine - umran magazine - project feature in issue no. 51, saudi arabia

06/14 magazine - social architecture - project feature in forum magazine, austria

05/14 book - temporary architecture - by braun publishing house, switzerland, link

03/14 exhibition - think global build social! architecture for a better world - vienna architecture center, austria, youtube

02/14 magazine - arbitare la terra - project feature, italy

02/14 magazine - architectures for emergencies II - project feature @ boundaries magazine, italy

12/13 exhibition - the new restraint - deutsches architektur zentrum, germany

11/13 magazine - architektur von unten - interview @ der entwurf, dbz, germany

11/13 magazine - update - project feature magazine of the german-thai chamber of commerce, thailand

07/13 magazine - project features at art4d magazine, thailand

06/13 magazine - think global build social! - article in issue 211/212 by arch+, link

06/13 exhibition - think global build social! architecture for a better world - german architecture museum dam, germany, youtube

06/13 book - wood 13 - exhibition catalogue of wood 13, sweden

05/13 exhibition - architecture of necessity - konsthall - virserum, sweden

05/13 exhibition - the new restraint - kunsthalle bielefeld, germany

04/13 magazine - ruhrgestalten - feature article in issue nr. 7 - zocken, link

03/13 magazine - free architecture - project feature @ boundaries magazine, italy

11/12 award - world architecture community award/ cycle 14 winner

08/12 award - detail award nomination with albert company and line ramstad,  link

08/12 newspaper - vom hochhaus zur flüchtlingsunterkunft - article at westdeutsche allgemeine zeitung, link

06/12 magazine - kleine kosten, grosse hilfe - project feature @ häuser by gruner & jahr publishing house, germany

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